
The 时尚管理理学学士学位 program at the 传媒与设计学院 prepares students for careers in the design and business sides of the fashion industry. 该计划的重点是技术, 实用的技术, 业务的洞察力, artistry and scholarship produces well-rounded graduates with extensive insights into fashion. Concentrations in 销售 and 服装制作与设计 offer students an opportunity to specialize in one of these two critical areas, giving them all the tools they need to pursue success in dozens of career paths.


Fashion is a multi-billion-dollar industry that spans the globe. 在美国.S. 仅这一项就接近5000亿美元,达到4060亿美元. Such an enormous field consists of hundreds of working parts from resource allocation to product development to marketing and sales. 事实上, the industry employs nearly 2 million people around the world and reports a low unemployment rate. 校本’s 时尚管理 program arms students with a deep understanding of the industry’s workings, so that they may enter the workforce immediately after graduation. 趋势研究, 预测, history and impact helps them anticipate and navigate changes in the fast-moving field.


The 时尚管理理学学士学位 is a 125-degree program that offers the choice of two concentration options – 销售, 或服装生产与设计. Through its comprehensive curriculum and hands-on skill development, students gain a deep understanding of fashion’s historical, 文化, 商业, 环境和国际意义.

The program also offers an opportunity to study abroad, either through a partnership with the London College of Fashion or one of 校本’s 144 Sister Schools.

在他们的最后一年, 时尚管理专业的学生要上一门顶点课程, which challenges them to integrate knowledge attained throughout the entirety of the program and apply it to a specific project. The capstone coursework is a project to showcase a student’s design and production work through a Fashion Show or another venue to appropriately display the collection.




Practical skill development forms a critical part of the 时尚管理 program. 学生 will learn to navigate and use technology used throughout the fashion industry. 学生将会被介绍制版软件, 供应链软件, and manage technical line development through Adobe products. 通过实际操作, they also have the opportunity to develop their apparel construction and sewing skills.


The concentration in 服装制作与设计 is ideal for the student who wishes to pursue a career in the design and manufacturing side of the fashion industry within the business-to-business (B2B) sector. A fashion designer may work for fashion corporations who feature a specific brand or as an independent designer. Apparel production positions for a manufacturer include specializations such as sourcing for raw materials, 开发技术规范包, 以及大众市场线的开发. Product development teams are responsible for 预测, 产品设计, 技术设计, 物料管理, 分销管理.

学生 develop a global perspective of emerging economies through the understanding of trade agreements, 全球就业实践 资源的可持续性. 学生 complete 61 时尚管理 core hours followed by 21 specialized hours tailored to meet personal career goals. A career track of courses is available for students who prefer an emphasis on design. 同样的, 对于喜欢产品开发的学生, 一个独立的职业轨道课程是可用的.

The 销售 concentration is designed for students to develop skill sets that emphasize brand management and sales 分析. Both brand management techniques and sales management include visual merchandising, 促销活动, 产品购买, and operations management for either business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). Because the retail sector is the ultimate distribution site for fashion product, students learn how the retailing sector is organized by fashion market levels. Each market level requires different sales techniques to reach the final consumer. 学生 also develop a global perspective of emerging economies through the understanding of trade agreements, 全球就业实践, 资源的可持续性.

A minor in Business Administration is included in the degree plan for the 销售 concentration. 销售 students take capstone coursework with 服装制作与设计 students to integrate responsibilities from both the retail and manufacturing sectors for the sale of product from concept to the final consumer.



Most students begin their career in retail sales management positions. 在公司层面上, sales management positions are located within buying offices or within distribution offices. Often corporate buying positions lead to positions as account managers with leading brand manufacturers. Auxiliary career pathways for fashion merchandising are in 促销活动 or in visual merchandising.